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Solar power pays, but not everywhere

Only in 6 municipalities do users of solar energy receive any subsidy. | R.L.

| Palma |

In Majorca, only residents in Alcúdia, Andratx, Artà, Capdepera, Inca and Sant Llorenç get their property Tax or IBI back for having solar panels on the terraces or roofs of their homes, according to analysis carried out by Som Energia.

In five of the six municipalities, the bonus represents an IBI reduction of 50% during the first three years but they have to ask their town hall to pay it. That discount is also available to residents in Palma.

In Andratx, existing regulations make it difficult to apply the bonus because it requires a minimum installed power of 5kw/100m2 and solar thermal collectors. In the other municipalities there is no bonus.

In addition to the IBI other types of bonuses are offered in many municipalities, such as the bonus of the Tax on Constructions, Installations & Works, or ICIO, the fee for prior communication of works to perform works of little technical entity and Government Aid.

Solar Embat

The Som Energia Cooperative has launched "Embat Solar Mallorca" which is a collective purchase for 100 turnkey projects of photovoltaic self-production and at least 80 people have already signed up to have the panels installed.

"The most effective way to boost domestic solar installations is to add a lot of customers at once, in order to reduce prices and facilitate installation work," states Som Energia in its blog. "In our case, we compared specialist companies to find the best price and quality proposal for 100 photovoltaic solar installations for self-production."

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