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The Gota Fria finally leaves the Balearics

The stormy weatherfront has moved on and it is a sunny October day here in Palma. | MDB

| Palma |

The stormy weather has finally left the Balearic Islands leaving them saturated by record amounts of rainfall.

The sunny skies in Majorca on Tuesday afternoon dissolved into a night of torrential rain and thunderstorms that battered the Balearics for hours on end and saturated every square inch of the islands.

Storms of Tuesday night over Palmanova. Video:Ole G. Bakken

In Portopí, torrential rain fell at a rate of 91 litres per square metre and according to data from the State Meteorological Agency, Aemet, 32 litres fell in just 60 minutes breaking all records since 1978. Banyalbufar was submerged in 83.6 litres per square meter and 75.6 litres fell in Calvià

The storm had been gathering pace for a few days and between October 20 and noon on yesterday more than 100 litres of rain per square metre fell in Majorca and there were 1,700 lightning strikes, many of them in and around Inca and the west side of the island.

The atrocious weather grounded 20 flights and forced 24 to divert to airports in the Peninsula and France. Air Traffic Controllers took to Twitter to inform passengers that no flights were landing or taking off from Son Sant Joan Airport in Palma and some flights were delayed yesterday as airlines tried to clear the backlog and get back on track.

The Ma-2114 between Selva and Mancor de la Vall, was closed after some rocks fell into the road, but the debris was cleared by 10.15 and traffic flow was restored and the Ma-2100 between Bunyola and Orient was also closed temporarily because of rock falls there.

María José Guerrero, from Aemet in the Balearic Islands said ?before the storms there was a 60% rainfall deficit for the month of October but after there?s a 12% surplus.?

Forecasters predict that the rest of this week will be partly sunny, partly cloudy with occasional showers in some places.

You can see live pictures across the island here.

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