Royal Family

Royal Family's holidays are over

Spanish Royals and their daughters

Spanish Royals at Marivent on holiday this summer. | miquel a. cañellas

| Palma |

The Royal Family's summer vacation in Majorca has come to an end. The visit to the Son Marroig estate in Deya on Thursday by the King, the Queen and the two princesses was their final trip out.

The family arrived in Majorca on Wednesday last week, a few days later than normal. King Felipe had matters of state to attend to, most obviously the political uncertainty regarding the forming of a new government.

The Royal Household has not released any information about more vacation time for the family this month; this is considered to be a private matter.

Queen Letizia, who some observers have said isn't especially keen on Majorca, has now spent her fifteenth summer vacation on the island. She is reported as saying that each year her impression of Majorca is better.

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