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Holiday rentals

Terraferida point to holiday rentals "massive fraud"

Despite regulation, the number of illegal holiday rentals appears to still be increasing. | Teresa Ayuga

| Palma |

According to data compiled by DinsAirbnb and highlighted by environmentalist group Terraferida, the number of holiday rentals places offered in the Balearics on Airbnb rose to 141,213 by April this year. This was 16,417 more than in August 2017, which was when Balearic legislation to regulate holiday rentals came into force.

In Majorca specifically, there were 97,094 places in April, an increase of 14,639. The rise is evidence, suggest Terraferida and DinsAirbnb, of "massive fraud". The data would appear to indicate that in April there were 50,961 places being promoted on Airbnb which didn't have a licence, as demanded by legislation. In other words, 36% of the places were unregistered and being advertised illegally. Of these, 28,360 were in Majorca.

The data also suggest that the same licence number is being used to advertise several properties. The law is clear that there must be one licence per property.

Terraferida say that the number of illegal places is "enormous". They estimate that around 30% which are advertised as being legal are in fact illegal.

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