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Majorca Person Of The Year

The five from the top: Biel Barceló, Tolo Cursach, Joan Miralles, Rafa Nadal and Baltasar Picornell.

| Palma |

For right or wrong reasons, which of these five stood out as the Majorca person of the year? (The poll is at the top of the next column.)

Biel Barceló. Now the ex-vice president and tourism minister, he resigned because of his free trip to the Dominican Republic, having been in the firing-line over the Més contracts' affair. He was also much in the news because of holiday rentals, tourist tax ... .

Tolo Cursach. The "King of the Night", owner of BCM, MegaPark and more, he was arrested at the end of February and faces some seventeen charges. The investigation into him was and remains linked to other investigations related to alleged police corruption.

Joan Miralles. Elected president of the Aptur holiday rentals association in February, he has consistently attacked Balearic rentals legislation and intends taking the whole issue to Brussels.

Rafa Nadal. Secured his tenth French Open title, became the first man or woman in the Open era of tennis to have won a Grand Slam tournament ten times and returned to the number one position on the men's tour.

Baltasar Picornell. Succeeded Xelo Huertas as president (speaker) of the Balearic parliament in February. His appearance and his informality set him apart from other politicians.

* Apologies for the male bias. The likes of Francina Armengol and Inma Benito were considered, but the above five were felt to have had the strongest claims.

** Photo credits: Barceló (Joan Torres); Cursach (Efe); Miralles (@ApturBaleares); Nadal (Reuters); Picornell (Podemos, Twitter).

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