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“We want to use Health Tourism to boost Balearic economy”- Planas

Carmen Planas (centre). | JOAN TORRES

Palma.—Use health tourism to boost the Balearic economy during the winter months.
That is the challenge Carmen Planas, president of the Balearic Health Entity Union (UBES), agreed to do yesterday.
Planas, who also confirmed yesterday the Union’s adherence to the project Spaincares, is hoping to attract to the islands over the next five years, 20,000 “Health Tourists”,  around 10 percent of the total Spain is hoping to attract.
“We want to use our reputation as a top holiday destination, our experience, our wonderful health services, superb geographic location and complementary accommodation  to bring in recovering patients, and boost the local economy during the low season in the process,” Planas said.

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