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Socias: “the electorate deserves much better...”

By Jason Moore
THE Central Government Delegate Ramon Socias blasted a warning to local political parties over the weekend saying that the present cases of alleged political corruption would not be tolerated.

Socias used his traditional Day of the Constitution Speech on Sunday to take a swipe at the local political establishment which has been dogged by allegations and which has even threatened the stability of the present coalition government.

The Government Delegate said that not a day seemed to go by at the moment without a new case of alleged corruption coming to light. “The electorate and the people of the Balearics deserve better,” he said, adding that the present anti-corruption clause which is to be introduced by the Balearic government didn´t go far enough. The Balearic government, under leader Francesc Antich, is planning to introduce new legislation which would mean that any politician who is involved in any sort of corruption case would have to resign.

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