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Balearic Parliament approves 2012 budget

Palma.—Despite votes to the contrary from 22 opposition MPs, the budget figure was pushed through by 35 Partido Popular MPs.
The allocation of public funds next year will include 1'187.5 million euros to the regional health service Ib-Salut, a further 218 million to other public health foundations, 10.2 million to the Inland Revenue, and 397.2 million to government funded companies.

The ruling Partido Popular defended the austerity of the budget but the opposition said that the government were cutting spending on the Welfare State.

Finance Minister Josep Ignaçi Aguiló said that the Balearic government was doing its job to bring down public debt and to balance the budget. He explained that the figures show the effort that is being made to keep within the deficit limit of 1.3% of gross Balearic product (PIB).

Aguiló said that the budget has focused on restructuring the public sector, the trimming down of government staffing levels and the toughening up of prerequisites for government subsidies.

The opposition said no funding has been allocated to getting the economy moving again.

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