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Guardia Civil hunting Inca robbers

Palma.—The National Police robbery squad are still searching for the two armed men who robbed a Palma underground car park early on Monday morning and now the police in Inca are searching for three men in connection with the robbery of a call centre in Inca at 7.30pm on Wednesday night.

According to the Guardia Civil, three individuals wearing ski masks and two carrying knives, carried out the robbery on the shop in calle Sant Francesc. The female cashier was alone at the time and two of the robbers apparently stayed by the door keeping a look out while a third threatened her with a knife.

The Guardia Civil took a statement from the victim on Wednesday night but she had been extremely shaken up by the ordeal.
According to the police, she said that she thought the three were playing a joke at first. The person who threatened her spoke Spanish and once she realised he was serious, she handed over 300 euros, that was apparently all that was in the till.

The three thieves immediately fled the scene and the cashier called for help.
The Guardia Civil were on the scene within minutes and began questioning the cashier and any potential witnesses.
The three have been described as being of average height, aged in their late teens and could be of South American origin.
The victim told the Guardia Civil that she thinks she knows the three teenagers and that she is sure that they live in the Inca area.
Last night the Guardia Civil was continuing with its investigation.

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