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Cyclists face 500 euro fines

Palma.—The Partido Popular Council under Mayor Mateo Isern won't be proposing the draft until the next full Council meeting in December as the Opposition groups need time to study them.

Isern's team has said that the bylaws need to be unanimously agreed on and apparently they are not very different from those which were drafted out when the Socialist coalition was in power but some points of the legislation have been firmed up.

Cyclists, says the draft, won't be allowed to use pavements and could be fined 500 euros if they are caught potentially endangering the safety of pedestrians. Even cycling on thepavement if there are no pedestrians around can incur a fine of 100 euros.

Cycling across pedestrian-only areas of town squares, parks and gardens will also be prohibited, except in the case of children under 8 years-old who are accompanied by an adult.

The maximum speed permitted for cyclists using the cycle lanes is 25 kilometres per hour, reduced to 15 kph when the tracks run through areas where cars are parked and across pavement used by walkers. On surfaces where cycle tracks exist alongside pavements for pedestrians, the limit will be 15kph but in the street, cyclists can go as fast as 30 kph.

It will be forbidden to ride cycles wearing headphones linked in to a music player or a mobile telephone, to ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs or to hang on to vehicles in order to get towed. Neither is racing between cyclists permitted along the tracks or zigzagging between vehicles and pedestrians.

In residential areas where cyclists and pedestrians are using the same pavements, pedestrians will have right of way over cyclists.

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