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By Wendy Peters
DESPITE the dreadful weather which caused the “Mallorca Classic Car Club's” monthly rally to be aborted its members remained stoically cheerful when they met at the Son Antem Resort Hotel last Sunday.

The deluge rendered many roads impassable for the classic cars to negotiate safely so the members, attired in vintage dress ranging from the ‘50's – 70's, shrugged off the raindrops and opted for a relaxing lunch instead.

Taking shelter from the unrelenting downpour in the hotel's foyer Robert Klevenhagen commented wryly, “I spent the past week polishing my wife's Mercedes.” The “Mallorca Classic Car Club” was founded some fifteen years ago and in those days had its home base in Puerto Andratx where the majority of its members reside and where, ironically, the weather was decidedly better on Sunday.

Recently the members have been denied permission to park their cars on the quay at the start of their monthly rallies. David Parmenter, a founder member of the club told the Bulletin, “When we began all those years ago we used to meet in the Port, the Port Authority allowed us to park the cars on the quay by the fishing boats and the old restaurant would supply the drinks, the cars were a great attraction for tourists and locals, but now they've refused us permission giving the excuse that the fishermen wouldn't be able to repair their nets, but I doubt that they'd be inconvenienced on a Sunday.”

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