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Cheaper to get married, or buried, on weekdays

Inca.—The changes in tax legislation governing civil marriages and burials were approved yesterday at a meeting of the town council in Inca. A council spokesman said that apart from making weddings and funerals cheaper on weekdays, decisions made at the meeting will mean that the public will now be allowed to pay some of their tax bills to local authorities in stages. Part payment will be allowed in connection with property and motor vehicle taxes, he said.

For those people coming from outside the municipality of Inca who want to get married at a weekend, the tax they will need to pay to the council will be 150 euros. If one of the couple (or both) resides in Inca, then the charge will be half, 75 euros.

The current tax cost for non-local people of getting married at a weekend in Inca - and an arrangement which will remain in place until the end of the year - is 68 euros. It will remain free for Inca residents until the start of 2012. Charges for getting married on a week day however, will remain unchanged - those coming from outside Inca will continue to pay 68 euros and there will be no charge for local residents.

The new charging system will also affect burials in Inca's cemetery.
From the start of 2012 onwards, the town council will charge 133 euros for a burial at a weekend or on a public holiday. For week days, the tax will remain at 22 euros.

The spokesman pointed out that barring some rare exceptions, burials are not normally conducted in Inca at weekends and the new tax is to meet the demands of those who wish to hold a funeral on a Saturday or Sunday.

The council justified the increase in the taxes for both weddings and burials because of the extra hours that municipal employees will need to work to meet demand.

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