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Palma Tory conference to kick start global election campaign

By Humphrey Carter

THE Conservatives Abroad Annual Conference which Conservatives Abroad Majorca is hosting on the island next month will mark the start of the party's global election campaign.

Delegates from branches of Conservatives Abroad from all over the world are going to be attending the two-day convention which is going to be focused on getting Conservatives living overseas to register to vote in the forthcoming general election.

The Chairman of the Conservative Party, Eric Pickles MP, launched the overseas voter campaign here in Majorca back in March and has since addressed key British expatriate communities and branches of Conservatives Abroad all over the globe about the importance of voting in the general election and yesterday, the President of Conservatives Abroad Majorca, Peter Newey, explained that next month's conference is going to mark the beginning of the campaign actually being put into practice by the various branches around the world. “Previous conferences have had various different formats but the Majorca convention is being very carefully structured by Conservative Party central Office and all of the delegates will leave the island equipped with the tools to generate support for the party and make sure that those supporters register to vote in next year's election.

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