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Former President of the Balearics to be investigated in Palma Arena probe

By Humphrey Carter

THE former President of the Balearics and ex-leader of the regional branch of the centre right Partido Popular party, Jaume Matas, is apparently going to be investigated as part of the probe into the allegedly corrupt construction of the Palma Arena velodrome during the previous PP government's legislature.

Jaume Matas currently works in the United States but yesterday, the PP sprung to his defense claiming that the former Spanish Environment Minister under Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, was the victim of a political witch hunt which has been going on for the past two years.

The Balearic government refused to comment officially saying that “the judiciary has a job to do.” But, the Balearic Minister for Commerce, Industry and Energy, Francesca Vives, called on Matas to “show his face” and explain his financial situation “once and for all”. The construction of the Palma Arena is being investigated because the final cost of the project rose from 48 million euros to 110 million euros in just two years and the chief Balearic fraud prosecutors are trying to find out why the velodrome went 62 million euros over budget and where that money went.

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