Palma.Street traders who hold the Saturday market in the Avenidas are calling on the City Council to acknowledge the contribution they make to business and tourism in Palma. Stall holders also want to see better support from the council in the form of maintenance of the area where the market is held and for parked cars which intrude on the stall areas to be removed by crane.
The outcry has come after an allegedly false alarm was spread that the Saturday market in the Avenidas was going to be moved by the Council to Son Fuster which lies on the railway line going north out of Palma. Traders had said that away from the main tourist throngs which gather in the Avenidas on Saturday, the popularity of the market would dwindle.
Representatives of around 150 traders will be meeting on Monday with Palma's Councillor for Health and Consumer Affairs. Amongst other issues planned for the agenda, marketeers have stressed they want the Council to see how much the market contributes to the business of bars, cafeterias and restaurants which trade alongside the stalls.
Marketeers have already pointed out that they pay their taxes and adhere to local bylaws during their trading hours, which last only one day a week. City Hall have apparently criticised the market for lack of diversity of goods on sale.