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Special phones help women victims of domestic violence

by Staff Reporter

A total of 149 women in the Balearics now have mobile telephones which connect them directly with specialised staff and members of the police force if they are threatened with violence by their partners or ex-partners.

According to figures supplied by the special government department set up to combat domestic violence, a total of 7'400 women nationwide have these mobile phones.

It is a voluntary measure to which all victims of domestic violence who have restraining orders against their partner or former partner have access.
Madrid, Catalonia and Valencia head the list of women with this form of protection.
A total of 1'427 women in Madrid have the mobiles which also have an alarm button which alerts the centre in cases of extreme danger, when the victim cannot communicate.

In Andalucia, 1'413 women have the phones and 1'362 in Valencia.
Figures for other regions include 887 women in Catalonia, 645 in the Canary Islands, 376 in Asturias, 271 in Galicia, 217 in Castilla-La Mancha, 208 in Castilla y Leon, 156 in Cantabria, 149 in the Balearics, 111 in Extremadura, 60 in Murcia, 29 in Aragon, seven in Melilla and two in La Rioja.

A woman was killed by her partner in Cambrils, Tarragona, in the latest case of domestic violence over the weekend.

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