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Mounted police to be more widely used

Palma.—The mounted police now patrol the streets of the city on Thursday and Saturday nights, nearly every day in Bellver wood and even on occasions along the Playa de Palma, Citizen Safety Councillor Guillermo Navarro confirmed yesterday.

Navarro claimed that insufficient use was being made of the specialist mounted brigade as formerly they only took to the streets on ceremonial occasions.

The police themselves had been asking for the mounted unit to have a higher profile. Navarro said that the horses and riders being out on the streets has not meant any extra cost to the City Council. Apart from increasing security, he said, police on horseback are a feature of interest for visitors.

There is apparently good coordination between the mounted police and the City's cleaning company Emaya should streets need to be cleaned after the horses have passed by.

The new Mayor of Palma, Mateu Isern, has made it clear that his two main priorities for the capital are safety and cleanliness and over the past few days he appears to have begun getting to grips with those two main issues, despite the fact that the council has been left with huge debts to surmount by the previous Socialist-led administration.

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