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New fisheries protection vessel

THE Fisheries Protection Vessel “Miguel Oliver”, which will have state of the art technology, will come into service during the first quarter of 2007, helping to complete the scientific investigations of the “Vizconde de Eza” and the “Emma Bardan”. This multi discipline vessel, launched on August 8, will have the most advanced fittings once the engines, generators, propellers and navigation equipment have all been installed. According to the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the vessel will shortly go to be fitted out with its superstructure, where the laboratories, cabins and the rest of the rooms will be situated, above the hull. With its state of the art technology for navigation, fishing investigations and oceanography, the “Miguel Oliver” will be the Ministry's flagship for identifying fish species of interest to the fishing fleet. According to Ministry sources, these studies of marine biology and marine physics, chemistry and geology are also sought after by other countries for the analysis and exploration of fishing grounds and their resources.

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