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By Humphrey Carter/Ryan Harrison
DEPUTY British Prime Minister John Prescott flew into Majorca on Thursday evening at the start of a summer holiday with his wife Pauline.
This is the second consecutive year that Tony Blair's deputy has spent part of his summer break on the island but this time he and is wife are enjoying the comfort of a duplex luxury apartment with its own roof terrace with spectacular views out to sea. However Prescott, who like his fellow cabinet member David Blunkett, likes nothing better than a good rack of Majorcan lamb, has been kept busy by the arrest of the four suicide bomber suspects - he has not emerged from his apartment, not even on to the balcony during day light for two days. So, while Prescott kept himself behind closed doors again yesterday, the Bulletin asked residents and fellow British holidaymakers in the area what they though about John Prescott taking a holiday considering the current security situation in Britain, whether they think he should be left of the country in charge while the Prime Minister goes on holiday and, if they happen to bump into him during his holiday, what message they have for him. British resident Judith Stumpt said “With everything that's going on back in London, I think that's where he should be.
But having said that, once he's back in London, I don't think it makes any difference who's in charge while Tony Blair is away.
Things couldn't really get much worse. It (terrorist attacks) are still going to happen. “If I bump into him, I will tell him to sort the public transport out.
I suggest he takes a leaf out of other cities' books and lower the cost of public transport to encourage more people to use it.” Jill Cawns, another British resident said “I have not got a problem with him being here. We have a very efficient police service in Britain which appears to be in control of the situation. But, if I bump into him I will tell him he's got to public transport useable and convince people that they no longer need to use their cars.” Andrew Wood a British holidaymaker staying near where the Prescotts are holidaying said he's entitled to a holiday like all of us but, considering recent events in London and across Britain, I think he should have postponed his trip until things have settled down back home. Nevertheless, him being in charge while Blair is aware doesn't re-asure me that everything's under control - I don't think he's leadership material.” British resident Elizabeth Stewart said “if Tony Blair is holding the fort, then he's entitled to go on holiday but I think that, once he gets back, apart from terrorism, he's got to sort out public transport.” Another British resident Sam Jones said “he shouldn't be on holiday with what's happening in London. I think he's a thug. Any politician who punches people is a thug and it's a nasty prospect to have Prescott in charge of the country. In opposition he represented the working man, now he's in government, he's become a champagne socialist.
John Kitchner who also lives nearby said “the government is letting the side down by Prescott being here.” Until last year, the former Home Secretary and Secretary of State for Education, David Blunkett, was a regular summer visitors to the island.
He and his sons spent the best part of ten years coming to the island and staying in a private villa near Pollensa.
During his last few visits Blunkett always made time to be interviewed by the Bulletin as did Peter Mandelson when he popped over to the island to address one of Spain's leading left-wing think tanks in the run up to the last Spanish general election. Prescott and his wife are, however, keeping themselves to themselves.
The Prime Minister Tony Blair is due to leave for his summer holiday with the family on Wednesday so Prescott appears to be relaxing as much as possible before he takes over control of the country in Blair's absence. He would have also spent the past two days in regular contact with London regarding the latest developments in the war against terrorism.
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