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Palma City Council refuses to ban the burka

PALMA City Council refused yesterday to heed recent calls from the Majorcan Unionists for an outright “ban on the burka” and instead urged the Federation of Municipal Councils (FEMP) in the Balearics to introduce legislation curbing the practice of covering the face in public places.

The Council agreed unanimously that such measures should be introduced within a period of six months, and that legislation should include stopping the use of any type of clothing - not just the burka - that disguises the identity of the wearer in municipal buildings and other public ground.

Essentially, yesterday's meeting passed the responsibility of outlawing covering the face in public from Palma City Council to all municipal councils in the Balearics. The City Council also made it clear that they consider the Islamic practice of enforcing the wearing of complete body covering by women, an affront to personal dignity and equality.

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