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Girl of 10 falls from terrace of her home

A 10 year old Nigerian girl was seriously injured yesterday afternoon when she fell from the terrace of her home in Soller.
According to the emergency services, the accident happened just after 1pm, in the Cami de Cas Jurat near the football pitch. The child was in her home with her 14 year old sister and went out to play on the terrace, which is 10 metres above ground level. Apparently the girl lost her balance and fell from the terrace. It is not yet known exactly how it happened. Miraculously she landed on her feet, but broke her right leg in two places. A doctor and nurse from PAC were the first on the scene. The girl was conscious and within a short time an emergency crew arrived to attend to the fractures. The girl's sister was so shocked that she couldn't tell the police what had happened. The Soller local police have established that the girl's parents were not at home when she fell from the terrace, so the case has been passed to the Guardia Civil, who will try to find out why the parents left two minors alone in the house.

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