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No parks for children in Pollensa

THE Port of Pollensa has been left without children's parks, according to the spokesperson for the red-green alliance, Pepe Garcia.
He criticised the bad state of the town and disappearance of the children's parks in the Port.
Garcia said that the disappearance of the parks was due to various reasons, such as the construction of the first phase of the ring road, and the work on the toilets going on in the Plaza de Joan Cerda. Actually, the construction of the public toilets in the Plaza de Joan Cerda is a point of criticism among the residents in the area who have collected many signatures to show their opposition to the new construction. The residents are critical that the toilets have been built right on the sea front “because the sea cannot be seen from the park”.
In addition to this, the affected residents are raising doubts as to whether the construction is legal because “the law in this area says you must leave three metres around any construction and these toilets are on the pavement”, according to a resident.

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