THE Spanish Airports Authority (AENA) revealed development plans yesterday for the Son Bonet aerodrome in Palma.
A whole range of new installations and extensions of already-existing services are being embraced in a project that will cost just under 14 million euros.
The details of the development are being put out for public scrutiny for 45 days as the law demands, and arrangements are being made to have a report drawn up on what environmental impact the building programme will have.
The plans include the construction of an aircraft hangar, of a separate building allocated to technicians, the widening of the runway and the enlargement of the aircraft parking bay. Premises to accommodate complementary activity at Son Bonet aerodrome such as official visits and parades are also being contemplated along with car parking facilities.
A blueprint for the development gives an outline of the infrastructure that will be required for the project to go ahead. This includes the area of land which will need to be taken up and the safety measures which will have to be put in place as prerequisites to aircraft movement and aeronautical displays.
Once the overall draft of the project is confirmed, a separate planning application will have to be submitted to the Balearic government.
Their planning department will need to approve the acquisition and use of extra land and the diversion of the Ma-3013 road to Es Pla de Na Tesa.