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Balearic schoolchildren encouraged to read

JAUME Matas, the leader of the Balearic Government, yesterday urged Balearic children to “grow internally” by reading, as they are “the future of the islands”, and said that to this end the Balearic Government has distributed a total of 136'338 books among the schools and colleges of the Balearics through the campaign “A book for every child” to commemorate the Day of the Book for this year. Matas was speaking yesterday at a presentation of books to a group of students, formed by pupils and teachers from all schools on the islands. He was accompanied by the Balearic Minister for Education and Culture, Francesc Fiol, who stressed that one of the objects of the campaign is to encourage students to familiarise themselves with Balearic authors. Fiol said that this year pre-university students will also receive this present from the Government for the Day of the Book. In fact, 11'755 copies of the Balearic author Llorence Villalonga's work, “Les Fures” have been presented to them. Of the total number of books distributed to Balearic schools, there are 19'715 copies of the fairy tale “Rissona, l'ericona” by Catalina Quetglas, which are to be distributed to pupils of 3 or 4 years of age. For children of 4 or 5 years old, some 9'979 copies of “El viatge d'en Marti” by Carme Arbos have been distributed. Primary education pupils will receive adaptations of three works of fiction continuing the promotion of popular literature which was started last year. Secondary pupils will receive a book with several stories.
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