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Mayor outlines her vision for Palma


IT is necessary to “rethink and redesign” Palma to create a “more just and equal” city.
That was the main message of the Mayor, Aina Calvo (pictured), during a seminar held in the Pilar and Joan Miro Foundation this week.
Calvo said that since taking office, the Socialist-led council had worked to achieve a city that was “at the service of the citizen, well connected, with good communications, with a more sustainable model of development and that was competitive in the tourist market”.

She said that the ways in which the council was attempting to achieve these aims was through regenerating Palma's residential areas - “the heart of urban life”.

Calvo said that this required putting in place infrastructure and equipment, rehabilitating different areas of the city, providing people with access to housing, eliminating architectural barriers and creating civic hubs.

Calvo made particular reference to the transport challenge and the need to improve and develop public transport, bicycle lanes and access to transport. The Mayor said that her team has started with the seafront and referred to the convention centre project, the plan to regenerate the Playa de Palma and the development of more green areas in the city.

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