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Saharan children to visit Balearics in July and August

SOME 150 Saharan children will come to the Balearics to stay for the months of July and August with Balearic host families within the programme “Holidays in peace” which the Balearic Friends of the Saharan People Association is organising. According to this association, all the children come from the refugee camps in Tindouf in the south east of Algiers, North Africa. This is an inhospitable desert area known as Hamada which was recently visited by a Majorcan delegation led by the president of the Council of Majorca Maria Antonia Munar. In addition to the host families, a great many volunteers from different professions will take part in the visit.
This initiative is intended to be an act to show support for these children and for the Saharan people in general.
Also, it is hoped that the visit will make the political parties, and ordinary population, aware of the difficulties and conflicts which the people in the Western Sahara region live with on a day to day basis.

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