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Balearic President under pressure

Palma.—The Balearic parliament will today debate a motion brought by the MÉS grouping which asserts that, because of conflicts of interest with his position, President Bauzá cannot carry out his executive function. The motion on behalf of the “eco-nationalist” MÉS group will be presented by parliamentary deputy Antoni Alorda. It has nine points, though it is anticipated that they will all be rejected by the Partido Popular majority in parliament.

While the motion sets out issues of a general nature pertaining to incompatibility between members of the regional government and their governmental roles, the fifth point in the motion refers to the president, without specifically naming him.

It says that there cannot be an exclusive dedication to public office if, at the same time, a substitute has not been named to take over a pharmacy. This is a clear reference to the pharmacy in Marratxí that the president owns.

The MÉS argument is in line with a decision of the Balearics High Court which established that it is not sufficient to have appointed a replacement as a means of avoiding a conflict of interests under the law on incompatibility, if the recipient of profits from the business is still the owner. By implication, therefore, the motion argues that the president should cease to be the pharmacy owner.

The sixth point of the motion demands that, where more than 10% of a business is owned by someone in high public office, this business cannot invoice the regional government or another part of the public sector.

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