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Palma residents “under threat”

THE conflict between bar, café, and restaurant onwers in the Palma suburb of sa Gerreria and its local residents is becoming “serious”, Ferran Tarongi the President of the Canamunt Neighbourhood Association said yesterday.

Tarongi claimed that residents are living in fear of violence because some of them claim to have been “threatened” by late-night business proprietors close to their homes.

Tarongi said that his association believes that yesterday's proposal by the United Left (EU) party on Palma Council - that there be a ban on opening any more late-night establishments in sa Gerreria - was “a good idea.” He said at the same time that the Council must meanwhile act more swiftly to impose opening restrictions on the bars, cafés and restaurants, especially on Tuesday evenings, which is the night of the weekly discount pub crawl known as the “ruta Martiana.”.

Tarongi said that one resident had apparently left her home to take the dog for a walk and suddenly she was besieged by “insults and threats” from the inside of one of the bars. “What have these businesses brought to the area of sa Gerreria?” Tarongi asked. “The suburb used to be much safer and a better place to live prior to the introduction of the “ruta Martiana”.

Tarongi said that bar owners, who claim that their trade has brought a “dynamism” to the area which was previously missing, are allegedly hanging notices inside their windows addressed to the local residents accusing them of wanting to “shut down” their businesses.

Tarongi said it was irresponsible to post such notices and then serve customers with alcohol.
The Neighbourhood Association President claimed that it was going to be a difficult summer because at night with bedroom windows open, the noise from the street could be “insupportable.” He said the threats neighbours had received were to be reported to the police.

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