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By Humphrey Carter
SPAIN'S Secretary of State for Tourism, Joan Mesquida, told delegates on the opening day of the XIII National Hostelry Congress in Palma yesterday that the British holiday market is showing clear signs of recovery, lifting the Spanish tourism industry's hopes “of a better summer”.

During his welcome speech, Mesquida, said that the Spanish tourist industry is going to enjoy a “slightly better” summer season than last year but admitted that there are still going to be tough challenges for the holiday markets to overcome.

The Secretary of State claimed that the latest market data for peak season are “favourable” and that the country's main airports are going to be handling five percent more air traffic than last summer, further evidence of an improvement in the market. “2010 is going to be a year of transition and recuperation,” Mesquida said in Palma yesterday. “Based on the current market statistics we have, we can comfortableyassume that this year will be better than last,” he added. “But, this doesn't mean it's going to be an easy year,” the Secretary of State underlined.

CONFIDENCE BOOST “We have seen a recent revival in demand and sale of Spanish holidays in Britain and that has given us an extra confidence boost,” Mesquida said.
However, he did make it clear that this year is going to be a very late booking one and cited Easter as an example. “Initially, the bookings for Easter were relatively low, poor in some parts of the country, but, come the last minute, hotel occupancy averaged out at between 80' and 85 percent and we're going to see this happening for peak season.” Nevertheless, in order to try and stimulate early sales and encourage customers in the main feeder markets like the UK and Germany to book early, Mesquida revealed that his department has increased investment in overseas promotions and marketing by 109 percent.

One of the latest ventures the Spanish Tourist Board has embarked on is signing a three year partnership deal with Liverpool Football Club.
In fact, Mesquida flew into Palma from Liverpool where he had been attending a “Taste of Spain” weekend in the city.
Similar to those which have already been held in London and Edinburgh over the past few years, this year is the first the road show has been taken to Liverpool.

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