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WITH the Balearics one of the top destinations for the Spanish this Easter, the emergency services are braced for a busy holiday period.
Easter is the most hectic travel period of the year in Spain with some 20 million people travelling within a relatively short period compared to the Summer and Winter holidays and, according to the travel insurance company Intermundial, six percent of Spanish tourists suffer some kind of incident during their Easter holidays. “Haste, stress, packed airports, sun burn and ski accidents” are the most common incidents but flight delays and lost luggage remain top of the list.
According to a report published yesterday, 47 percent of travel incidents involve air travel while 22 percent are caused by long delays, flight cancellations and seats being double booked. Intermundial spokesperson Manuel López said that people should use their common sense, do not over do things. Don't stay in the sun too long, use protective creams, don't eat and drink more than one is accustomed to. Plan any long journeys well and be prepared for the odd delay or complication.
But, more importantly, try to take things at a steady pace “that's what holidays are all about.”

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