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Demo threatens to mar official opening of Stations Park

THE platform which has been fighting for a bigger and better park on the land freed by putting the railway lines underground will demonstrate today at the opening of the park in Palma's Plaza España.

They will carry placards criticising the project which, in their view, is “a trick foisted on the citizens and one of the great deceptions perpetrated by the ruling party of Palma council”, led by Catalina Cirer of the Partido Popular (PP). Sources for the Platform confirmed that members will be present at the park at 12 noon today to manifest “the citizens' anger” towards the new installation.

During the demonstration, the participants will distribute ear plugs to those present, “because of the noise made by some of the extractor fans in the underground intermodal station beneath the park is very unpleasant. “They have stolen a perfectly good park from us and in its place they have given us an extension with plant containers, and enormous extractor fans with the attendant noise and extraction of smoke”, said the Platform, adding “it appears that the inauguration of the Parque de las Estaciones is causing the municipal authorities the embarrassment as no council members will be present”.

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