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Tourist businesses offer bed and board for extra police


BUSINESSES in the Playa de Palma want more police on patrol this summer and are willing to pay for them.
The association that represents the owners of tourist businesses in the Playa de Palma has called on central Government to increase the number of officers for the coming season.

The association has also made known its concerns about the current impasse in discussions about the plan for the renovation of the area.
Joan Nadal, the president of the association, said their Spanish and foreign tour operators had expressed their preoccupation about the delays in bringing the plan for the redevelopment of the Playa de Palma forward. “They have expressed their worries to us about the delay in the project, and we want to make this known officially,” said Nadal after a meeting with representatives of the tour operators held earlier this week.

Both the tour operators and the business association of the Playa de Palma believe that the regeneration of the area is vital.
However, Nadal pointed out that this didn't mean that the authorities should stop investing in the Playa de Palma while waiting for the works to begin.

He said that “we're noticing a certain carelessness on the part of the relevant administrations, who are already hoping that when the works begin, all the current problems will be solved, when the reality is very different”.

Nadal added that it shouldn't be allowed to happen that the Playa de Palma went into further decline in the meantime.

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