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New weapon in the fight against domestic violence


THE regional government presented the newly-established “Balearic Foundation Against Domestic Violence” yesterday, which aims to wipe out the so-called “blot” on 21st century society. The Foundation will also offer support to victims, launch social awareness campaigns and investigate means of preventing violence against women in the home. The minister for the president's office and sporting affairs, Rosa Puig, explained that three forms of domestic violence are recognised: physical, psychological and sexual, based on the attempt of the man to secure dominance. Puig pointed out that in 2003, Balearic courts signed 250 orders forcing aggressors to “keep their distance” from the victim; and opened 1'700 sets of legal proceedings against individuals who had committed violent acts towards women in the home. The minister also warned that in the first quarter of the year, the region had recorded the deaths of two women who had fallen prey to domestic violence. Rosa Estarás, minister for institutional relations and government vice-president, explained that situations of domestic violence begin at a low-key level, usually taking the form of insults, or of the man using household artefacts to cause physical harm to the woman. It is only later that life-threatening beatings and punches are brought to bear. Estarás suggested that the assaulted woman often feels responsible for the attacks and after the first few occasions, usually forgives the aggressor in the belief that things will change. “But things don't change, they only get worse”, she said. According to the minister: “All of us have to get involved to stop domestic violence, whether we are neighbours, friends, or family of the victim”.
The vice-president spoke in favour of education as an “instrument” for the fight against domestic violence. She stated that creating an educative model based on equality is the “only road to eradicate this 21st century plague”. The Balearic Foundation against Violence has been established with financial support of the Balearic government to the tune of 120'000 euros as an initial contribution; the Council of Majorca will allocate a subsidy of 60'000 to the Foundation this year, as well as the Island Councils of Ibiza and Formentera and Palma City Council which have still to specify the sums they will be donating.

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