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A colder, wetter winter in the Balearics


Joan Collins
IT is the official end of Winter on Monday. In the Balearics the Winter has brought more rain and lower temperatures than normal.
However, the increased rainfall has meant that Majorca and Minorca have improved levels of water reserves, having a deficit of 6 and 15 percent respectively as opposed to 17 and 19 percent at the end of Autumn, while Ibiza has a surplus of 30 percent, 2 percentage points more. The director of the Balearic Meteorological Centre, August Jansa, said that overall this Winter has for the third year running produced more rain than normal, although the rainfall was less than that produced by the heavy rainstorms of 2002 and 2003. In fact, January was a “really rainy” month in the islands, as showed by the rainfall recorded in Lluc (419 litres per square metre, 285 more than normal) and in Palma (95 litres per square metre, 53 more than normal) said Jansa. In February, the rainfall also exceeded the normal figures, although less than in January. For example, 138 litres per square metre fell in Lluc, 28 more than normal for that time of year; and in Palma they had 68 litre per square metre, 33 more than normal. So far March has been more like normal and the rainfall has been practically the same as in other years, as shown by the 18 litres per square metre which fell in Palma (normal), although in Lluc there have been 11 litres more that normal (53). As for the temperatures, the differences have been smaller, although in both January and February it was colder and half a degree less than average was recorded throughout the islands. This is the second consecutive year that temperatures have dropped below normal. An average temperature of 6 degrees was recorded in Lluc in January, 3 less than normal; and in Porto Pi in Palma 11 degrees, 6 less.
In February, the differences were less, although an average temperature of 6.4 degrees was recorded in Lluc, 2 less than normal, and in Palma 11.4 degrees, 6 less than usual. However, in March the temperatures recorded have been similar to other years.
Spring will officially start on Monday March 20 at 7.25pm in the Peninsula, and will last until the start of Summer on June 21 at 2.25pm. During the Spring a partial eclipse of the Sun will be visible from Spain on March 29 according to the National Astronomical Observatory. The start of Spring takes place on the day on which the length of day and night practically coincide at any point on Earth, which is called an Equinox. At the same time, Autumn starts in the southern hemisphere. In addition, from Saturday the days lengthen more quickly, and in Spain the Sun will rise almost two minutes earlier and set one minute later every day. So every day will lengthen by three minutes. As for the eclipses, a total eclipse of the Sun will take place on March 29. It will only be visible as a partial eclipse in Europe but the total eclipse will be able to be seen from a narrow strip of Africa, from the Ivory Coast to Egypt.
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