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2´000 people to protest against political corruption tonight

By Humphrey Carter

THE recently formed Majorca anti-corruption and pro-democracy movement expects over 2'000 people to join its protest march through Palma this evening.
Spokesperson Tomas Balaguer said yesterday that the movement has not really had time to open up to the rest of the island and has so far been focused on gathering support in and around Palma, but, a significant number of people are apparently heading fro the capital from various parts of Majorca to express their disapproval of the wave of alleged political corruption which has swept across the island over the past year.

According to Balaguer, the primary objective of the movement is to make it crystal clear to the political parties and the various government institutions that the general public, the electorate, has “had enough”. “And the best way we can get this message across is by massive public participation,” he added. “We don't want corrupt politicians in government any more. We want the judiciary to do its job and all politicians implicated in the various scandals who have not resigned, to do so immediately,” he said. “The general public has a responsibility to play an active role in the political process. “It's not just about voting once every four years and the politicians must not be allowed to forget that and this is why we the public will be out on the streets tonight,” Balaguer explained. “There are politicians in the Balearics who are honorable and want to do the right thing on behalf of the general public and these people should be given a chance to show how committed they are to the process of democracy,” he added.

The Chamber of Commerce, colleges of architects and lawyers and the Majorcan Economic Circle, yesterday announced that they are going to be setting up a civic movement in favour of the introduction of new measures to prevent political corruption because the professional community is not impressed by the extent of the alleged political corruption either. March begins at 6pm in the Plaza d'España.

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