THE Inspection Service of the Balearic Ministry for Tourism has closed 5'560 bars, restaurants and cafeterias in the space of ten years (between 1997 and the start of 2007).
This was after they had visited 9'761 establishments during this period, while enforcing of the modernisation plan for complementary tourist establishments.
A total of 4'201 establishments have complied with the modernisation plan, according to tourism ministry sources.
The director general of Town Planning, Josep Aloy, said that the high number of closures in a sector so fragmented and complex, is due to multiple factors, as there are a series of conditions which apply to the opening and closing of bars, cafeterias and restaurants because of the great number of transfers and closures in this sector.
Aloy said that the modernisation plan for the complementary tourist establishments is more difficult to deal with, unlike tourist accommodation. During the first years of this plan, the inspection services had to work hard, given the great fragmentation of the catering sector. The objective is that the plan will be permanent and will be linked to the quality plan, because the complementary sector is a vital sector for the tourist industry because of the direct contact they have with the client, explained Aloy.
The Balearic Minister for Tourism, Joan Flaquer, has on various occasions pointed to the General Tourist Law, which covers the modernisation of all types of tourist establishments, we want to apply a permanent modernisation linked to quality, which is what determines our level of competitivity, service and training of our workers and staff.
Also, within the plan to improve tourist facilities, a total of 23 tourist accommodation places rose in category in 2006, and in three cases they achieved the maximum rating, while the majority of them were given three or four stars, according to sources from the Ministry for Tourism.