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Green power arrives in Palma

By Tim Fanning

GREENPEACE has teamed up with local ecological group GOB to highlight the “serious problem” of environmental pollution in Majorca.
The Greenpeace ship, Arctic Sunrise, is currently in the Port of Palma as part of a campaign to point out the biggest polluters in Spain.
At a joint press conference aboard the ship, Sara del Río of Greenpeace and Margalida Ramis of GOB presented the report, “Who is contaminating?”, which lists the 100 worst polluters in Spain, including two Majorcan entries, the Son Reus incinerator and the Cemex cement works in Lloseta, which also burns waste.

The incinerator at Son Reus has been denounced on several occasions by both organisations before and after its construction in 1990 for provoking serious environmental problems, such as the release of poisonous emissions into the atmosphere.

Greenpeace and GOB yesterday called for proper measures of inspection and control to assure compliance with environmental laws and that Majorca reject the extension of the incinerator at Son Reus.

Both groups also demanded that the Don Pedro, the merchant ship lying on the sea bed about a mile off the coast of Ibiza, be refloated to prevent further damage to the environment.

Del Río and Ramis said the ship continued being a source of polluting substances.
Ramis added that seven months after the cargo ship sank “no concrete solution had yet been found” or a date for refloating fixed.
The Arctic Sunrise, currently in the Port of Palma, is open to the public today between 11am-2pm and 5pm-8pm, and tomorrow between 11am-2pm.

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