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More Spanish women working


THE Balearics is the region which has had the highest rate of employment of women of Spanish nationality in the last 30 years.
The proportion of working women has gone from 40.3 percent to 69 percent, according to a report by Manpower, the human resources company.
The number of working women (between 16 and 64) of Spanish nationality has increased by 105'000 people since 1977 giving the region the highest accumulated increase in Spain in the last 30 years at 145.9 percent.

The level of employment for working women in the Balearics has experienced an increase of 135 percent, rising from 71'000 women employed in 1977 to a total of 166'000 women employed in 2007.

However, the forecast for 2023 is that eight percent of the total number of working women will be lost.

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