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Palma.—The Academy International School is very proud to have been presented this week with the official ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance international certificate by Agustí Ibánez, Director of SGS in Baleares, during a ceremony held at the school.

The Academy went through a rigorous inspection process to be awarded this certificate, which makes the school the first International School in the Balearic Islands to receive this accreditation.

The ISO 9001:2008 provides independent confirmation that an organisation has an excellent management and also meets all the requirements of this standard certification.

It also provides recognition to those organisations which have made a commitment to provide a high quality efficient service. During the presentation ceremony Mr Ibañez admired the exemplary high standard of all aspects of The Academy and complimented Oliver Marcos, the school owner on the fantastic collaborative team effort of all the staff in their work towards securing this much respected certification.

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