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Sailing clubs ask Ports Authority for freeze on taxes

Palma.—The Association of Balearic Sailing Clubs (ACNB) yesterday asked the regional Ports Authority (APB) and the “Ports IB” public company that they suspend any further tax increases to compensate for the fact that there has been a significant downturn in the number of moorings being hired.

The request has been formally lodged with the Ports Authority, said the ACNB, in the hope that the association will get a response by the end of the year.

The clubs are claiming that the economic crisis has had a significant effect on the mooring business and that hikes in property tax and IVA are also having a negative impact on activity in the marinas.

The ACNB said that some of its members have now had their VAT-free status removed and have to pay a maximum tariff of 21%. Miquel Suñer, said that he hoped the Balearic government would ease the tax pressure and give some help to the clubs. He said that despite fewer private sponsors, the marinas and ports have managed to keep their sports activity intact.

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