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Reform for Son Dureta hospital frozen until 2014

Palma.—In the regional Budget for 2013, confirmed a government spokesman yesterday, there is no money at all for modernising and reforming the old hospital complex.

Son Dureta had previously been the most important hospital in the Balearics but was superseded last year by the new University Hospital of Son Espases.
The old hospital, however, is being subject to some essential maintenance work and there are security guards on the site.
The Balearic Health Service, Ib-Salut, periodically carries out technical inspections which are required by law for the proper functioning of lifts and other installations, such as the fire extinguishers. Technicians also make sure that there are no plumbing blockages or water leaks, and ensure through the use of insecticide that there are no plagues of cockroaches or rats. There has been separate treatment to make sure the red beetle plague, currently decimating the palm tree population in Palma and in some outlying areas of Majorca, doesn't infiltrate the hospital grounds.

The security system in place covers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, both in terms of staff on the site and closed circuit television cameras especially adapted to the buildings and grounds. Spending on security and maintenance is amounting to one million euros a year, claimed Ib-Salut. Although the Balearic government has said that Son Dureta hospital and 68 other health and social service centres in the Islands will be reformed when money is available, they will in the meantime continue to be the property of Social Security General Treasury (TGSS). Balearic Health Minister Martí Sansaloni says that his current priority is negotiations to keep the Joan March and General Hospitals in Palma from closing.

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