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Pollensa to host international sea plane show this weekend

Palma.—The air base in the Port of Pollensa will this weekend be hosting the first ever international sea plane show in Spain.
The air show will begin at 1.30pm tomorrow when the first of the planes will land at Son Bonet airfield on the outskirts of Palma which will be holding an open day so that the public can catch a glimpse of some classic flying machines.

From Son Bonet, the aircraft will then fly north to the air base in the Port of Pollensa which will be open to the public from 10am to 2pm on Saturday.
This year four sea planes will be taking part, one of which will be flying in all the way from Canada.
But, organisers, the Majorcan Aeronautical Club, said that 14 sea planes from all over Europe have already signed up to participate in next year's event which will probably take place on May 1.

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