Inca.The council has earmarked the principal streets which are to be subject to the intensive clean-up. Services Councillor Rosa Tarragó explained yesterday: In summer, a good part of the town's residents go down to the coast so we believed it was the best time of the year to carry out thorough street cleaning. The company which carries out cleaning services on behalf of the council allocates three powerful cleaning vehicles to the same street at any one time and trained staff concentrate on removing dirt from the pavements with powerful suction machines.
Tarragó furthered that such is the extent of the cleaning campaign that on Tuesday night, public notices are placed on the sides of the town's main roads where cars normally park, letting the public know that machines will be sweeping through the following day. In fact the cleaning works officially began two weeks ago. Yesterday the task force was operating down Gran Via with technicians, armed with their powerful suction hoses, eking out dirt which accumulates at the base of streets and along verges. Over the coming weeks, the deep-clean team will be in action in Inca's central streets named as follows: Antoni Maura; General Weyler; General Luque; the stretch comprising Barco-Valella-Llorenç Villalonga, Jocs, Almogavers, Costa i Llobera; and Justicia. Palma has also successfully introduced an intensive street cleaning campaign with the task force selecting different parts of the city from one week to the next. No extra staff are being hired for the job.