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Eroski supermarkets to stock some real British treats this summer

Palma.—Nationwide supermarket chain Eroski unveiled its foreign products campaign which is primarily aimed at British and German holiday makers and residents in the Balearics.

The presentation, which was attended by Santiago Izaguirre, Director General of Supermercados Eroski, Alfredo Herráez, Director of Eroski in the Balearics, along with local councillors, was held at the Eroski Center in Cala d'Or.

Herráez, who has been in his post as Director for the past year, told the Bulletin that Eroski has been running annual campaign since the end of the 90s and the market strategy “is to make tourists and foreign residents feel like home here in the Balearics.” The summer season “Between May and October, the summer season, 65 of our supermarkets will be stocking a wide range of foreign food such as 451 German items and 375 British goods. “However, we also stock French, Italian, South American, Danish, Mexican, Romanian and Greek products, our aim is to appeal to all of the region's main foreign markets and it has proved a huge success with the number of foreign products on offer in our resort supermarkets increasing every year. We also continue the campaign all year round in ten of our large supermarkets in the region's main resorts. The idea of this is to cater for the foreign resident community which lives on the island permanently but continues to long for special products from home,” he explained. “We want foreign visitors and residents to feel comfortable,” he added.
12.6 million euros
Last year, Eroski sold 3.5 million euros worth of British products with brand names and products such as Cadbury, Alpen, Weetabix, Cravendale milk, Carling larger, Magners cider, Walkers crisps and different sauces and condiments by Sharwoods and Coleman's. German sales were worth some 5.5 million euros and Eroski is hoping to hit similar, if not better targets this year.

In total, across the Balearics, Eroski's imported goods market turned over 12.6 million euros last year, 9.5 percent more than during the previous year. The chain now has 130 stores across the Balearics and is currently remodelling its stores in order to make them even more user friendly.

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