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Escorca takes to the hills for new tourist attraction

Escorca.—Local Mayor Antoni Solivellas said yesterday: “We're actually looking at how we're going to go about making this major project work.” He said that one of the measures already under consideration is signposting the different excursion and rock climbing routes, and setting up observation points from where people can watch bird life over the Gorg Blau and Cúber reservoirs. “Also on the cards,” said the Mayor, “is putting out a bid for public tender to manage kayaking facilities on Gorg Blau.” Solivellas was speaking yesterday during a visit being made to the municipality by the Minister for the President's Office, Jaume Juan and the Council of Majorca's Projects director Segismundo Morey.

Solivellas took the opportunity to ask for Balearic government and Island Council support for the tourist project in Escorca. “Although the municipality is very popular in the high summer, we need to set up alternative forms of tourism to keep visitors coming in the low season as well,” the Mayor said. Jaume Juan said that he was happy to collaborate with Escorca local council through the special committee which regulates activity in the Tramuntana mountains, now listed with UNESCO as a world heritage site. “There are offices which can already provide information on what there is to do and see in Escorca including Nordic Walking, cycling and climbing routes. Dry stone wall trails will also prove an attraction for walkers.” Juan said that Escorca's commitment to environmental conservation will be a key part of its success in attracting out of season tourism.
To promote its sports tourism project, Escorca town council has organised the island's first Nature and Sport Fair which is scheduled to take place on 26th and 27th May. Solivellas said that there are many sports, tour and outward bound companies which are interested in promoting their services at the Fair.

The Mayor pointed out that there was no other municipality in Majorca which had the same abundance of natural resources for encouraging adventure tourism, adding thatthe project would bring extra value to Escorca's tourist image.

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