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Reducing risks

THE dermatology department of Manacor's national health hospital has successfully introduced the Mohs surgery technique for skin cancer. This type of surgery reduces the risk of a tumour reappearing after an operation to remove it. Dr Vicenç Rocamora, the head of the department said that cases of skin cancer were on the increase, and this new technique “studies and analyses all the tissue which has been removed on the spot, so that the surgeon knows that all the tumour has been removed.” Dr Rocamora said Mohs surgery was applied in three very clear cases: “in skin tumours which have reappeared, in cases where the limits of the tumours are not known, and in situations where the skin cancer is in areas such as eyes, nose or lips, where aesthetics are involved.” He added that it reduces the risk of the tumour reappearing from eight to 43 per cent in conventional techniques to four to six per cent.

Poor service

ALL the political parties on the town council approved unanimously to strip the concession from the company which runs the rubbish disposal service. The concession is due to expire in August but complaints have been increasing in recent months. The opposition criticised the council for failure to keep closer checks on the company and for not listening to, and acting on, the complaints. A new contract for the service will be drawn up but will take about two months to complete.

Well cared for

ANTONI Serra, president of S'Institute, which runs the social welfare department of the Council of Majorca, allayed the fears of residents at the pensioners' home in Soller. He told them that the home was in good condition and looked after residents well, so they had nothing to fear. He said they would want for nothing until the new centre opens in approximately eight months. Serra visited the home in the company of Mayor Carlos Simarro and councillors Miquel Nadal, in charge of social welfare, and Miquel Bestard (infrastructures). He added that the home would be run under an agreement signed between the town council and the Council of Majorca.

Paths not opened

MAYOR Antoni Pastor said that there were not enough guarantees to enable him to officially certify that the paths which cross the estate known as Es Fangar are publicly owned and that therefore they must be kept open. The owner of Es Fangar claims that the paths are privately owned, and therefore the public cannot use them to cross his property. The Mayor said that a university team would investigate the matter.

Budget approved

THE town council has approved its budget for this year at 15.5 million euros, after a tense debate. The PSM (Majorcan Socialist Party) voted against the budget and the Partido Popular (PP) abstained, although this was not enough to affect the outcome. The opposition complained that they had not been kept informed of the details and there had not been enough time to discuss various aspects of the budget.

Site visited

THE Balearic national health service's architect has visited the building of the old municipal nursery school, which the town council has proposed as a health centre. The option has initially caused a favourable impression, but the health service now wants to make a viability study.

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