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Metro worries Palma residents

PALMA resident associations yesterday called on the government to provide more information about the implications of the new metro line.
In principal, according to the president of the federation of Palma resident associations, Rosa Bueno, the majority of city residents have welcomed the plan to have the metro link to the university open by 2008, and like the idea of the city eventually having a metro service.

However, she said that many associations are demanding more information.
Rosa Bueno said that people want to know the extent of the building work involved, how the metro tunnels will be built and what consequences the construction project will have on day-to-day life for people living in the areas through which the metro will eventually run.

Bueno said that residents in Palma have a lot of questions which the government and city council seem unable to answer at the moment.
One of the most common complaints from Palma residents over the past few years has been the never-ending building work across the city and between now and 2008, not only is the metro to be built, but work has already started on tunnelling for the Palma to Inca railway.

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