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New wine

FOR the second year running, Santa Maria del Cami will be celebrating its Festa del Vi Novell (new wine festival) this weekend, when every bodega (wine house) in the town hangs up a pine tree branch to signal the opening of the first barrel of new young wine. On Sunday, there will be a wine-tasting excursion along the Ruta dels Cellers, to six bodegas in the municipality.

Growth in tourism

T HE municipality of Campos has approved a new touristic development which will provide accommodation for 2'000 people. Most of the construction will be concentrated around the coastal resort of sa Ràpita. The new allocation of 2'000 will come as an addition to other residential style tourist accommodation also being developed in sa Ràpita.

The land where the new building is to take place is currently categorised as “rural” and its change to “urban” has drawn criticism from local United Left/Green Party councillors, Margalida Rosselló and Marilena Tugores.

They claim that the development will have a detrimental environmental impact on Campos and that the project is purely in the interests of property developers.

Up for sale

THE Town Council in Binissalem wants to sell a 3'500 square metre plot of land, situated near Camí de s'Aigua, which is listed for industrial or commercial use. The ruling Socialist (PSOE) government team aims to use the money gained from the sale for the purchase of new land which will be allocated to the construction of subsidised housing, or for educational or social service projects.

The Council envisages selling the industrial land for 700'500 euros. Mayor Miquel Nadal explained that “any interested parties should come forward with an offer and a description of their planned activity we can verify it can be adapted to the immediate surroundings”.

Another step

THE Balearic Environmental Commission has given the green light to the second phase of the road widening project of the C-715 highway, from Montuïri to Manacor.

The Commission acknowledged that the project is making use of the same stretch of road and that widening will contribute to highway safety. Having discussed various proposed alternatives of the construction, the meeting finally opted for the north axis which will not affect the protected Son Colell holm-oak wood.

The environmental study which was conducted on the project lays the groundwork for restoring abandoned areas that run alongside the highway, through a reforestation programme using plants and trees which are native to the Island.

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