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Pensioners´ home to be built in Porto Colom

THE town council of Felanitx and a private firm have reached agreement to build a pensioners' home on land next to the S'Algar school in Porto Colom, despite doubts and concerns expressed by the opposition. There is an acute shortage of places in homes for the elderly, not just in Porto Colom, but all over the island. Private enterprise approached the Felanitx council with plans to build such a home on a site between the roundabout at the entrance to the popular coastal resort, the Camino de Cas Vicari Mestre and the S'Algar school. The council, ruled by the conservative Partido Popular (PP) has given the green light to the project, although it is the Council of Majorca which will have the last word as it will have to grant the project the category of ‘general interest' because the land has not been classified as suitable for development under planning regulations. Under the agreement with the town council, the promoters of the home will cede five rooms to the council for a period of 20 years. These rooms will be at the disposal of the council's social services department, who will decide who the places will be awarded to. After the 20 year period, the council will still have an option on the rooms, paying the minimum price.

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