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Majorca today

By Jason Moore

Dangerous times
THE Mayor of Palma Catalina Cirer must order an investigation into the resignation of the Palma Water Board chief Antoni Nadal who allegedly cut the water supply from an apartment owned by his ex-wife allegedly to evict a group of tenants. This is a disgraceful state of affairs and public utilities need to be as transparent as the product they sell otherwise they risk losing the faith of the general public. Over the last six months there have been two scandals involving local politicians; the Rasputin Russian nightclub affair which saw the resignation of a local tourism official after he allegedly attempted to charge his night-out to his expense account and now the Water Board chief. These affairs cannot be brushed under the carpet a full investigation is required at top level. Enough said but I hope the powers-that-be take notice.

Road work nightmare
ALL those in Calvia will know that the Palma Nova motorway is a nightmare. What I can't understand is why the local government hasn't pushed ahead with the improvements being planned for this road and has given other lesser road projects priority. I saw for myself the long tailbacks opposite Palma Nova on Thursday afternoon and it just makes you wonder why priority has been given to the Inca to Manacor road when this vital road nerve centre is crying out for investment. The only thing that seems to be coming on nicely is the new bus shelter in Palma Nova.

Full marks Anna
FULL marks to Bulletin columnist Anna Nicholas who will be running in next weekend's Majorca marathon for charity. It is an event which is not for the faint hearted. Anna puts the rest of the Bulletin staff to shame. Once her column is completed she goes out for a run. That's dedication. It takes me long enough to walk home when I finish work! As you will have seen there are a series of local people running in the marathon for charity. May I wish them the best of luck.

No-one aboard
NO one is allowed aboard the Queen Mary 2 when she docks in Palma next Friday. Not even the local authorities appear to be invited aboard. Security is so tight that all those, apart from the passengers and crew, who visit the ship have to be cleared two weeks before by Cunard's HQ in Florida. I must say when the Queen Mary 2 came in last time I was slightly disappointed because she just looks like a floating hotel. She has none of the grace of her British-built sister ship, Queen Elizabeth 2. While she has been designed to cash-in on the Cunard Mystic it is rather a shame that her Red Duster flag is about as big as the one which flies on my little boat which would fit in one of her swimming-pools (sorry, jacuzzis!). Anyone who is interested in seeing the world's biggest cruise liner docking should be around the Paseo Maritimo at about 9a.m. on Friday. Great vantage points are the Es Baluard museum at the end of the Paseo Mallorca, just by the Gesa building on the Paseo Maritimo and up at Bellver Castle.

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